Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pause. Reboot. Teach - Class 6

It's been eleven days since I taught my last class....the longest week and a half of my life. I missed teaching so badly and didn't realize it until today. Before I give you the skinny on tonight's class, I just want to say how fortunate and blessed I am to be given the gift of teaching. I will never, ever take it for granted. Sometimes life throws you long stretches of silence, unrest and way too much time-to-think. While at first the reprieve can seem like a vacation, ultimately you become trapped in your own jail that exists only in your mind. Your girl has broken free and is back in full force with new lessons and pearls of wisdom to share.

Tonight's 4:30pm class was a beautiful group of seven strong practitioners. I did not ask about injuries at the beginning of class, but have started to "read" the bodies to try and figure out what people are struggling with. I kept my pacing back and forth to a minimum by leaving markers for myself on either side of the room, that way I could deliver one set of each pose on either end of the studio so my energy is spread evenly throughout the room. I have grown accustomed to teaching from the back of the room, so today I tip toed to the front on occasion to familiarize myself with the different angle - fun!

I'm feeling more at home in the studio itself. After bonding with the hard wood floors and high-tech laundry machines, I made friends with the art gallery owners next door. While everyone rushed back to the city late this Sunday, my day was only beginning. My yoga light went back on and now it's blue skies all the way out from where I stand.

I received the best compliment a teacher could ever get after class. One of my students thanked me for "a few new tips." Yes, that's right, she said "tips" plural! Could it be that after all this time, after all my hard work and practice, everything is finally gelling? 

As Lienette reminded me earlier in the day, "everything is exactly the way it's suppose to be in each moment." I can't try and dish out every single pearl of wisdom I know in every class, but they will all  come out over time and hopefully keep the students coming back. 

The last major milestone of the day was I received my first paycheck as a teacher and all I can say is I've never been paid before to do something I love. Does it get any better than this? I think not...

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